Cookie Baby
Do u noe mummy and daddy attended church service this morning. Mummy noes that god been very good to mummy that mummy got many great friends ard. And wif great daddy ard durning this difficult moments.
For the first 1-2 hrs, mummy reali did sang my heart out to god. But baby, dun noe why when the session end and when it time to go home, mummy felt a strange grip of fear again. Do u noe for the past few days aft ur leaving, mummy had been crying til a stage mummy actuali felt numb. But somehow today on the way home, the pain cum again. But this time, there wasnt any tears cuming out at all.
Baby, mummy seem so crazy. Some moments - Mummy seem prefectly fine, Some moments - Mummy just cant help feeling scare. And Mummy dun even noe what mummy is scare of.
Cookie, Mummy noe Mummy have to get over, have to let, have to move on. Feeling just isnt so easy to control at all.
The end of an era...
11 months ago
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